Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Autism Spectrum Disorder - 688 Words
My term paper is over Autism. When exposed to the chemicals thalidomide and valfforic acid a personââ¬â¢s risks of getting autism are increased. This is an environmental factor of autism. Scientist know that autism is strongly influenced by genetics. Researchers have found that gene mutations are linked to autism. These genes generally affect synapses. SYNGAP1 is estimated to cause disabilities in about one million people around the world. Other genes that play roles in autism are N1GN3 and NLGNaX. People with autism usually have obsessions. Autistic individuals often do well with a routine and when itââ¬â¢s changed the autistic person has a breakdown finding it very hard to deal with change. Many autistic people have ââ¬Å"Ticsâ⬠. Tics are usually a repeated physical movement that is usually jerky in motion. For instance, hand flapping, head banging, body rocking or other hand tics. All tics include constant body movement. Autistic people usually show aggres sion towards themselves or to others. Many even show signs of mental retardation. People with autism show unusual attachment to objects or they will refuse to wear itchy clothes due to the sensitivity of their skin. Experts believe that autism presents itself during the first three years of a personââ¬â¢s life. A few disorders that sometimes accompany autism include seizures, fragile X or even tuberous schlerosis. The most common disorder associated with autism would be the seizures with about one third of people withShow MoreRelatedAutism Spectrum Disorder And Autism Essay1393 Words à |à 6 PagesAutism is a neurological disorder with many forms and severities, better known as autism spectrum disorder, that begins early in childhood and lasts throughout the individualââ¬â¢s life. Autism spectrum disorder is defined as developmental disabilities that can cause significant social, communication, and behavioral challenges (CDC). Previously, autism was recognized in distinc t groups and types. Now, autism is referred to as a spectrum because there is an overlap among all the different forms of autismRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder And Autism2594 Words à |à 11 PagesAutism Spectrum Disorder is defined as a neurodevelopmental condition that is classified by a triad of impairments. These impairments are in communication, socialization, and repetitive patterns of behavior (Wolf, 2004). Autism affects about 1% of the current population (Shishido, Branko, Norio, 2013). This disorder seems like a common diagnosis in the current day in age but the disorder was only discovered around sixty years ago. The two founding researchers that discovered the disorder are KannerRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder And Autism1827 Words à |à 8 Pagesin the United States had one or more developmental disorders in 2006-2008. This can affect the person mentally, physically, emotionally, or a combination of the three. These range from something as simple as a speech delay to something as complex as cerebral palsy. One of these developmental disorders is autism. Autism can cause social, communication, and behavioral challenges. One in 68 children are affected by autism. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is 4.5 times more common in boys. One in forty-twoRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder ( Autism ) Essay1739 Words à |à 7 Pagesconventions (Lai, 2014). These two observations would be the beginning of a disorder known as the Autism Spectrum Disorder. This developmental disorder, characterized by a range of deficits in different areas, is increasingly prevalent in society and in the media. While the exact numbers vary from country to country, according to Lai (2014), 1% of the general population is diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. The range of this disorder has a detrimental effect on society, specifically the educationalRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder ( Autism ) Essay1858 Words à |à 8 Pages Autism Spectrum Disorder affects various aspects of an autistic childââ¬â¢s life. Many children are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder every year, while others go undiagnosed for an extended time, or even for their whole life. A child exhibiting delays in language benchmarks or showing little interest in the surroundings should be examined for possible ASD. Language is often impaired and although the level of impairment can range from severe too unnoticeable in each child, a child is likely toRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder1446 Words à |à 6 PagesPublic Health Problem Autism or autism spectrum disorder ( ASD) is a developmental disorder that has been found world wide. However unlike many other disorders, autism is fairly new in the sense that there is no cure nor a set factor causing it. Today, the public is more aware of the disorder, yet there is still concern about how to treat autism in children as well as what risk factors are more likely to lead to autism. Autism has been around for the past hundred years, however previous to theRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder1409 Words à |à 6 Pagesboys and 1 in 189 girls are diagnosed with autism in the United States (Autism Speaks, n.d.). Can be diagnosed in all racial and ethnic groups, as well as every age group. In the 2013 publication of DSM-5 diagnostic manual, Asperger syndrome, Autistic disorder, childhood disintegrative disorder, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder- not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS) were merged into one category of ASD. This paper will explain what Autism Spectrum Disorder is, causes, signs and symptoms, diagnosisRead MoreAutism And Autism Spectrum Disorder1267 Words à |à 6 Pages and the way he interacted with others, spoke to me on a profound level. I know autism when I see it. For those not familiar with autism, Autism Speaks, the worldââ¬â¢s leading autism science and advocacy organization, defines autism and autism spectrum disorder (ASD), as both general terms for a group of complex disorders of brain development. These disorders are characterized, in varying degrees (hence, a ââ¬Å"Spectrumâ⬠that includes both low- and high-functioning individuals), by difficulties in socialRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder And Autism1401 Words à |à 6 PagesIn America about one out of 88 children have autism spectrum disorder and about 36,500 in four million children are born with autism. Currently approximately 1.5 million adults are living with autism in the United States. The autistic brain is a complicated phenomenon, which has required many years of research in the biomedical field by institutes, organizations, and the government to comprehend the disorder. Depending on the severity of the disorder ââ¬â low functionin g or high functioning ââ¬â and theRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder And Autism Essay2049 Words à |à 9 Pages Autism and Aspergerââ¬â¢s are two syndromes that are now looked as being part of the ââ¬ËAutism Spectrum Disorderââ¬â¢. Aspergerââ¬â¢s is on the high functioning end while Autism is on the low functioning end. Before the ââ¬Ëautism spectrumââ¬â¢ was created, in nineteen forty-three and nineteen forty-four, a psychiatrist named Leo Kanner and German scientist named Hans Asperger discovered Autism and Aspergerââ¬â¢s. Their research included looking at cases of children who were different and had qualities of aloneness, obsessiveness
Monday, December 16, 2019
International and Transnational Crimes Free Essays
International/Transnational Crimes Saphia Christopher Strayer University CRJ 330 Professor Ackerman International crimes can be described as ââ¬Å"crimes against the peace and security of mankindâ⬠. International crimes are based on international agreements between countries or on legal precedents developed through history, and include offenses such as such as genocide, torture, and enslavement of populations. These are among the acts identified by consensus among nations as being illegal everywhere. We will write a custom essay sample on International and Transnational Crimes or any similar topic only for you Order Now Dammer Albanese, 2011). The Foca rape case verdict in February 2001 was the first time that individuals were convicted for rape as a crime against humanity. The Foca rape case was prosecuted by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (the ICTY) in an effort to bring to justice those responsible for crimes against humanity in the war in Bosnia. Prior to the Foca rape case no one had ever been convicted of rape as a crime against humanity. Rape causes serious bodily or mental harm and international criminal tribunals have indicated that rape can constitute genocide when it is directed toward destroying a national, ethnic, racial or religious group. Under international law the crime of rape is a physical invasion of a sexual nature, which is not limited to a physical invasion of the body and may involve acts where there is no penetration or even physical contact (Parker, 2010). The prosecution in the Foca rape case argued the use of rape in attacks on civilians was widespread and systematic. To support this allegation the prosecution worked to show that the tactic was repeated and continuous (systematic) and that what had happened in Foca was a representative sample of Serbian methods of ethnic cleansing in Bosnia (widespread). The court ruled that these acts of rape were recognized as crimes against humanity because they were part of a systematic and widespread campaign and the acts included elements of enslavement (Parker, 2010). Transnational crimes are offenses whose inception, acts, and impact involve more than one country. These crimes usually involve the provision of illicit goods or illicit services, or the infiltration of business or government (Dammer Albanese, 2011). Transnational organized crime is not stagnant, but is an ever-changing industry, adapting to markets and creating new forms of crime. In short, it is an illicit business that transcends cultural, social, linguistic and geographical boundaries and one that knows no borders or rules. Drug trafficking continues to be the most lucrative form of business for criminals, with an estimated annual value of $320 billion. In 2009, UNODC placed the approximate annual worth of the global cocaine and opiate markets alone at $85 billion and $68 billion, respectively (UNODC, 2012). Jacob Saul Stuart, 39, pleaded guilty in November 2011 to conspiracy to distribute controlled substances and conspiracy to commit money laundering. DEA and HSI special agents, using court authorized wiretaps, determined Stuartââ¬â¢s smuggling ring was transporting and distributing up to 2,000 pounds of marijuana and as much as 440 pounds of cocaine every month. The operation involved smuggling marijuana into the U. S. rom Canada, where it was distributed across the country to California, Illinois, Missouri, Georgia and New Jersey, among other locations. Proceeds from the marijuana sales were then used to purchase cocaine in Southern California. The cocaine was delivered to members of the outlaw motorcycle gang Hells Angels in British Columbia for distribution in Canada. Over the course of the investigation, officials seized m ore than $2 million and 300 pounds of cocaine; and more than 2,200 pounds of marijuana from locations across the country. Jacob Stuart was subsequently sentenced to fifteen years in prison (DHS, 2012). References Dammer, H. and Albanese, J. (2011). Comparative criminal justice systems. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning Parker, J. (2010). Rape as an International Crime. Retrieved October 22, 2012 from: http://www. opednews. com/articles/1/RAPE-AS-AN-INTERNATIONAL-C-by-Janet-Parker-101204-241. html N. A. (2012) Transnational Drug Ring Leader: Department of Homeland Security. Retrieved October 22, 2012 from: http://www. ice. gov/news/releases/1210/121019seattle2. htm N. A. (2012) Transnational Organized Crime: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Retrieved October 22, 2012 from: http://www. unodc. org/toc/en/crimes/organized-crime. html How to cite International and Transnational Crimes, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Proceeding of National Academy of Sciences - MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the Proceeding of National Academy of Sciences. Answer: Introduction There are various disciplines like Chemistry, Peace, Literature, Economics, Physics and Medicine, based on which the Nobel Prize is awarded. This prize is given to that person who shows his or her valuable contribution towards a society or an economy (Inglis, 2017). In this context, Nobel Prize on Economics will be discussed. There are various well-known economists who have contributed their valuable works for developing a countrys growth and economics welfare. Each of them has analysed on various economic aspects that will help mankind. They have significant contribution in market analysis, trade, growth and development, poverty and economic welfare. However, among all of these, the most significant concept is environment. Hence, the Nobel Prize will be awarded to that person, who has valuable research and work related to environment. Discussion There are various sectors of economics that are helpful and essential to grow and develop an economy as well a civilization of a country. Before discussing the criteria for giving this prize to someone, history of previous works of Nobel Prize winners is taken under consideration at first. Analysing this history, it can be said that they worked on economic welfare, economic and social structure and development, optimum allocation of resources and so on. Moreover, there were other economic works like policy of stabilisation, problems related to developing countries, controlling economic fluctuations and resource utilisation that had great influence on economy (Frey Gallus, 2017). Hence, those economists, who worked on those sectors, were awarded by this prestigious Nobel Prize. However, at present, these economic conditions of each country have changed over time. Therefore, new sights under economics have generated. Chief Economic Problem at Present It can be said that, at present the chief growing economic problem is changing conditions of environment. Each developed and developing country is suffering from serious environmental problem, that is, global warming. There is an economist, who has worked on climate change and hence deserves this prestigious Nobel Prize. William Nordhaus, a professor of Yale University and also an active economist, is well known for his significant work to develop various economic models and to analyse factors of climate change (Battersby, 2017). He has written various books based on climate change and global warming. In 1972, Nordhaus wrote Is Growth Obsolete? with James Tobin, a fellow professor of Yale University (Folbre, 2015). In this book, Nordhaus has mentioned for the first time, the concept of economic sustainability assessment. Nordhaus has developed Dynamic Integrated Climate-Economy model (DICE model) and Regional Integrated Climate-Economy model (RICE model) (Nordhaus, 2014). DICE model is an integrated assessment model based on computer. This model shows an inter relationship between economics, climate and energy use. According to Nordhaus, climate is changing due to intervention of mankind. This change further creates greenhouse gases that deplete ozone layer, deforestation, destroying species by using them in laboratory and gathering nuclear weapons to destroy civilizations and so on (Riahi et al., 2017). Hence, in his model of climate change, Nordhaus has concentrated on those sectors, which are completely depended on unmanaged ecosystems (haus Moffat, 2017). Those unmanaged ecosystems again are completely dependent on rainfall or temperatures and those are very sensitive. The economist worked as Chairman of the National Research Council committee. This committee generated a report that showed the impact of fossil fuel subsidies on emissions of greenhouse gas. In 2016, he wrote a discussion paper where he did his research based on updated DICE model (Nordhaus, 2017). In this research paper, Nordhaus wrote that to control environment it is important to introduce some significant policies related to climate change. Hence it is important to charge a global carbon price. Illustration William Nordhaus has shown different ways to control global warming and change of climate. However, this increasing problem of economy got importance after long times. Hence, there was very limited research on those environmental problems. He wrote a book so that people can see how different market-based approaches could help to make policy based on climate change. Effects of Global Warming and Climate Change Various natural disasters, like Hurricane, drought and tornado, have destroyed economic conditions of developed as well as developing countries. The gross domestic income of those countries decreased significantly due to this reason. Due to changing condition of climate, for example irregular rain fall o flood, agricultural productivity is also affected and as a result, food price is increasing day by day (Wheeler Von Braun, 2013). The chief reason behind this natural disaster is humanbeing. Various activities of people help to increase the amount of greenhouse gases that cause global warming. Expanding civilization and urbanisation affect environment negatively. On the other hand, industries are producing huge amount of carbon that causes air pollution. Those factors are destroying health conditions of people (Welsch Ferreira, 2014). If government does not take any action to control these negative externalities then in near future, human civilisation will be destroyed. William Nor dhaus points out all those major issues and their effects on civilisation in near future. Hence, his research and work is very essential and helpful for people. He introduces the concept of carbon price. If the government charges any price or imposes tax for emission of carbon from a production firm, then it will further reduce the amount of carbon by producing products in a scientific and proper way. Conclusion It can be said in conclusion that William Nordhaus has done a great job. He worked on climate change which is a major economic problem at present for every developing and developed countries. Environment is an important factor of economic welfare. Due to climate change and global warming, various natural disasters can be seen. Those disasters, like, huge rain fall or shortage of rain fall, earth-quake, flood and tsunami can destroy a countrys growth and civilization. Hence, it is important to give huge attention on this issue. It is also very important to control those environmental disasters by implementing various policies and tax. Nordhaus has pointed out all these major issues which will further help an economy. Hence, he deserves the Nobel Prize. Bibliography Battersby, S. (2017). News Feature: Can humankind escape the tragedy of the commons?.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,114(1), 7-10. Folbre, N. (2015). Accounting for care: a research and survey design agenda. In2015 IARIWOECD Conference:W (h) ither the SNA(pp. 16-17). Frey, B. S., Gallus, J. (2017). Towards an economics of awards.Journal of Economic Surveys,31(1), 190-200. Inglis, D. (2017). Creating global moral iconicity: The Nobel Prizes and the constitution of world moral culture.European Journal of Social Theory, 1368431017703642. Nordhaus, W. (2014). Estimates of the social cost of carbon: concepts and results from the DICE-2013R model and alternative approaches.Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists,1(1/2), 273-312. Nordhaus, W. D. (2017). Evolution of Modeling of the Economics of Global Warming: Changes in the DICE model, 1992-2017. Nordhaus, W. D., Moffat, A. (2017).A Survey of Global Impacts of Climate Change: Replication, Survey Methods, and a Statistical Analysis(No. w23646). National Bureau of Economic Research. Riahi, K., Van Vuuren, D. P., Kriegler, E., Edmonds, J., Oneill, B. C., Fujimori, S., ... Lutz, W. (2017). The shared socioeconomic pathways and their energy, land use, and greenhouse gas emissions implications: an overview.Global Environmental Change,42, 153-168. Welsch, H., Ferreira, S. (2014).Environment, well-being, and experienced preference(Vol. 367, No. 14). Oldenburg Discussion Papers in Economics. Wheeler, T., Von Braun, J. (2013). Climate change impacts on global food security.Science,341(6145), 508-513.
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