How to write a paper for journal
Psychology Of Music Paper Topics
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
The Changing Pronunciation of Leisure
The Changing Pronunciation of Leisure The Changing Pronunciation of Leisure The Changing Pronunciation of Leisure By Maeve Maddox At the point when I was around ten years of age, my auntie gave me a membership to a Disney comic. I recall one issue in which Donald Duck and his nephews had a fortune map. Caught saying that he was looking for covered fortune, Donald attempted to mislead the lowlife whod heard him by guaranteeing that what hed truly said was looking for rushed relaxation. That was in the Fifties. When the recreation suit rage struck in the Seventies, very few Americans were articulating relaxation to rhyme with measure. On second thought, I dont know about any individual who articulates covered to rhyme with rushed. Here are the present American ways to express these words: covered [bä•räd] rushed [hã »rä] treasure [trä•zhé™r] relaxation [läzhé™r] albeit a few people despite everything state [lä•zhé™r] What elocution changes have you seen since your were a youngster? Here are a few citations from papers that show the utilization of this word: travel organization sells weeklong, little gathering outings to Costa Rica, Morocco and Nicaragua. The excursions are part relaxation, part administration: schedules incorporate somewhere in the range of two and three days of good cause work, in a joint effort with a neighborhood ( A Tuscan get-away gives explorers a possibility for a urban experience with visits to the workmanship exhibition halls of Florence, the engineering of Pisa and the conventions of Siena. Tuscany additionally is a goal for a relaxed outing that wanders through the open country, stops at wineries for tastings or takes a relaxation break in a spa town. Need to improve your English in a short time a day? Get a membership and begin getting our composing tips and activities every day! Continue learning! Peruse the Expressions class, check our well known posts, or pick a related post below:100 Words for Facial ExpressionsDisappointed + PrepositionCharles' Pen and Jesus' Name
Saturday, August 22, 2020
WuTang Clan Forever free essay sample
I ended up viewing MTV when another video flashedon the screen. It was by WuTang and the name of the tune wasTriumph. The music video was truly energizing and different.I before long acknowledged it was from the CD, Forever. At the musicstore, Forever was set up to permit you to tune in to itbefore you got it. It is an extraordinary twofold CD! I had listened toWuTangs 36 Chambers previously and like it. Specifically, Iliked C.R.E.A.M. also, Bring the Pain. In these,they express how the specialists feel. I like Forever evenbetter. Tuning in to WuTangs music is pleasant, in light of the fact that they have afast hip/bounce beat. Their verses are difficult to see, yet in the event that youlisten intently, they are important and recount to a story. WuTang originatedin Manhattan. The name they gave Manhattan was Showlein. They used to goto Chinese motion pictures in a performance center close by. A large portion of the motion pictures occurred inShowlein, which is the manner by which they thought of the name Showlein for Manhattan. We will compose a custom paper test on WuTang Clan: Forever or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page In all rap music, the artist sings a couple of melodies that keep the cusslevel low, so they can be played on the radio. On Forever,this tune is Triumph. This tune was a success, as is theCD. Everlastingly was designated for Best Album of the Year at theMTV Music Award. That grant went to Puff Daddy, yet WuTang didnt leavewithout saying a couple of words. O.D.B. (of the WuTang Clan) bounced up in front of an audience and began saying, WuTang for da youngsters. He went onto state how WuTang ought to have won the honor. Numerous people groups regard forthe WuTang Clan was brought down. O.D.B. was not booked to bounce on thestage and cause a disturbance. Some most likely idea it was a publicitystunt, yet it was definitely not. The collection accompanies a CD-ROM for your computer,so you can find out about the individuals from the tribe. I suggest it forpeople who like rap. Individuals who don't care for rap ought to listen beforebuying it. Im anticipating WuTangs next collection. .
Sunday, August 2, 2020
How to Use the Law of Attraction for Improving Your Life
How to Use the Law of Attraction for Improving Your Life © | T. L. FurrerCan you imagine having the power to visualize your ideas in your thoughts and having them manifest in your life? Can you picture yourself thinking of good things happening to you in your life and then having those good things actually happen?That is the power of the Law of Attraction. While it may sound like a far-fetched idea to some, this type of positive mentality and thinking process can work wonders for your professional and personal life. If you are open-minded and are willing to let positive things happen to you in your life, then continue reading this article and you will be amazed at the things discussed here.At some point in our lives, we feel very anxious and stressed from the pressures of life. Maybe you are having a bad day at the office or your personal relationships are crumbling. If you let these negative thoughts fester in your mind a little too long, then odds are you will continue to experience bad things because you will attract t hem.Your attitude determines if you will be happy because you can choose to be happy. We will show you how the Law of Attraction can make you a happier person in more ways than one.WHAT IS THE LAW OF ATTRACTION?The Law of Attraction is a philosophical concept of “like energy attracts like energy.†If you think positive, then you will look at things in your life in a brighter light. If you have negative thoughts, then you will see everything in a bad way.Let’s look at it from a scientific point of view. While electrical charges prefer to be attracted to charges of the opposite nature (positive attracts negative, but like charges repel each other), magnetic materials are attracted to other magnetic. Case in point, a magnet that is made out of iron will immediately attract iron because iron is a magnetic material itself. In addition, the magnet made out of iron will attract nickel as well because nickel also happens to be a magnetic material. Magnetic materials are attracted to e ach other.Humans are like living magnets because we are able to attract people who are like-minded. They say that opposites attract but we beg to differ. Think about the person you are dating now or are married to. Sure, they are not carbon copies of you and you dearly appreciate the differences between you but for the most part this person is quite similar to you. That is how you click. That is how you resonate.The same could be said of your friends. Why do you get along with them? Because for the most part, you have more similarities than differences. You may have been unaware of it at the time, but you subconsciously applied the Law of Attraction when establishing these bonds with people.Besides creating bonds with people, the Law of Attraction plays a key role in how we view the world. If you choose to be negative and always see the bad in things that happen to you, then you will always be angry at the situation. However, if you choose to be positive and see the good things that could come out of a seemingly bad situation, then you will have a positive outlook on life. It is really true what they say â€" “Every cloud has a silver lining.â€If you remain positive, then good things will happen to you even if you are temporarily experiencing something bad. You can attract exactly what your mind and heart desires.METHODS OF USING LAW OF ATTRACTIONWe will show you how this mentality and belief can actually improve your way of life. For each of these techniques, you will read examples of applying these techniques to make a tangible difference to your life.Think Positive ThoughtsYour thoughts determine your feelings, your feelings determine your actions, and your actions ultimately determine the life you lead. You can choose to be happy and successful if you think about it. Just consider this, if you are down on your luck in life and you constantly think things like “I am not worth it†or “I don’t deserve to be happyâ€, then odds are you will act in a way that makes those thoughts come true.Thinking negative will always result in negative results. If you walk around sulking and brooding as if you have a dark cloud hovering above you, then you will most likely attract other people who are brooding as well. However, if you wake up with the thought that you are going to be happy today, then there is a high chance that you will have good experiences that day.By thinking that you are confident, empowered, and capable, you can actually accomplish many great things that you may not have thought were possible. If you start to doubt yourself by thinking you are incapable, weak, and unfit to do anything, then you will never give your 100%. You have simply forfeited without even trying. You have to make an effort and try. That begins with your thoughts because your thoughts govern your actions.Choose to be HappyFor instance, if you are feeling happiness, love, passion, compassion, and hope, then positive things will happen to you. However, if you are feeling anger, fear, depression, and guilt, then negative things will happen to you. According to psychology, the things that happen to us easily sway our mental state and we react compulsively at times. You do not have to react to every little thing that happens to you, especially the bad things.For example, you just left the office and you are walking to your car in the parking lot and see that there are bird droppings on your car. Now you could react in an angry and enraged manner, or you could choose not to. You can control your temper and find ways to solve your problem. Simply going to the car wash to clean your car will make it go away and it will be as good as new.Anybody can be PositiveWe will not deceive you and say that this comes naturally to everybody. That is far from it! As humans, we tend to react to everything a little too quickly and we fail to see the bigger picture at times. Instead of being short-tempered, we should be calm, cool, and collected if we experience anything bad in life.We know that it is much easier said than done, but now is the time to practice. If you promise yourself to not be so negative in the face of adversity but instead approach things in a positive manner, then you will notice your life improve. Your mental state will be healthier and you will feel the tangible difference in your personal and professional life when you interact with people. Anybody can think positively, even in the face of hardship.Here is a cool talk with Tony Robbins on the Law of Attraction. Have an Attitude of GratitudeNo matter what you are going through in life, no matter how bad things may be in your life, find ways to put it in perspective and be grateful for whatever you have. Even if it is very little, appreciate whatever you are able to hold on to and cherish it to the fullest because there are so many people on earth who are not fortunate enough to be in your shoes and have what you have. Gratitude instantly makes us feel bette r about our lives.Be Grateful for your Friends and FamilyFor example, if you are going through a tough break up, it can have serious adverse effects on your mental state. You had a very long and strong bond with someone whom you let into your heart and mind. Now, you are in a situation where they no longer occupy a place in your heart.This can be very difficult to accept initially and many people ruin their lives because of it. We want to say that you do have other people who are a very important people in your life â€" your very near and dear friends and family. Your parents will always have your back because they are family and your closest friends will always be there for you for emotional support. They reassure you that things are going to be okay. That is the moment you realize that you still have people you love.When you think about it, there are people who do not even have a family. They live in war torn nations where many people are sadly deceased and many young adults live on their own without any sort of support. These poor, unfortunate souls have almost nothing to hold on to apart from their dear lives. There is almost nobody there for them, yet you have your friends and family.Maybe the love of your life has walked away, but there are people who are still standing by your side. Be thankful for the people who support you and make your stronger every day. Be grateful for having them in your life.Be Thankful for your JobAnother example we would like to present is a professional one. Imagine you are an electronics engineer who works at a mega corporation and have served the company for several years. During your years of service, you have accomplished plenty and successfully delivered projects before the deadline and with great output, too.However, maybe your boss does not reward you enough with some sort of raise or give you any recognition for your efforts. Instead, somebody else is promoted and it makes you livid. Situations like this arise a lot in the office and it infuriates plenty of people, but it does not have to make you very negative.You can look at the bright side and be grateful for having the job that you love in the first place. So many people around the world just work for the sake of working or work dead end jobs with no prospects of career growth. Some people do not even have jobs to begin with! If you are in your 30s and you have a job you like, be very grateful.In these troubling economic times, far too many middle-aged people are not able to get jobs. You have one so show some gratitude. Sure, you may not be treated the way you ought to be but think about it like this â€" you are doing what you like to do. If you look at the positive side of it and are thankful for what you have achieved, then everything else becomes insignificant. By being grateful, negative things will not have an effect on you.Visualize your DreamsTolkien gave us the wonderful world of Middle Earth in the Lord of the Rings, Martin gave us the amazing kingdom of Westeros in A Song of Ice and Fire, and Lewis gave us the magical realm of Wonderland in Alice in Wonderland.These famous fantasy writers had ideas and stories that they wanted to tell the world but before they could put pen to paper (these stories were created years before the invention of the computer), they had to visualize their dreams to make sense of it. Now we know that most of you reading this are not aspiring writers so you may be wondering, “What does this have to do with the Law of Attraction?â€You see, you need to be able to see yourself happy and successful down the road, even if you are not feeling like it at this very moment. You need to use your powers of imagination to visualize the things you see for yourself and then lay out the plan to get there. You must create your fantasy world now so that you know how awesome it will be when you actually get it.Wow. This video crushed my mind. Totally awesome and inspiring. The Power of ImaginationIf you are able to visualize everything that you desire in extensive detail, it makes it so much easier for you to manifest your dreams and make them a reality. Your desires and wishes do not need to live only in your head; you have the power to make them happen. In order to do so, you must first clearly visualize the things you truly want.Everybody has dreams and aspirations, so visualize them by picturing them in your head as if you have already achieved them. Imagine all the good things you plan on doing when your dreams come true. It makes you happier and brings a ton of joy in your life. That elated feeling makes you motivated to go out there and do the things necessary to make it happen. It really does help to picture yourself already in your desired position beforehand since it gets you pumped.Paint your Dreams like an ArtistThere is a process to visualizing your dreams. No matter what it is you are trying to achieve, personally or professionally, it really helps to imagine tha t you are an artist who paints on a canvas. You must start with an empty canvas by clearing your mind. You need to be fresh and slowly add things onto your canvas. These individual elements are the pieces of your final art. They are the things that you actually want.Next, you need to put yourself on the canvas, interacting with the elements you added earlier. There are so many possibilities â€" a new house, a new profession, a car, a healthier body, higher studies abroad, etc. The options are limitless and you can do anything you want to do.As you vividly create and visualize your art, you realize that you badly want it. That is when you picture the actions you need to take to reach your destination. Without actions, you can never accomplish anything. You need to see yourself actually doing certain things to get to where you want to be.Write down your GoalsWhen you have successfully envisioned yourself achieving your goals, then you are one step closer to improving your life and get ting what you truly desire. We recommend writing down your goals because studies show that when people write their goals down, they are more likely to give it more thought and work harder to make them happen. Do you plan to travel to Japan? Write it down.Do you want to start your own business? Plan it out. Do you want to lose weight and get fit? Create a workout plan. Writing things down may not be as popular as it is today as it was a couple of decades ago (due to the ubiquity of computers), but nothing comes close to using a pen and paper.Some of the most successful people have used the power of visualization to realize their dreams. Michael Phelps (world’s most decorated swimmer), Steve Jobs (greatest tech innovator of our times), and Elon Musk (renowned visionary changing the world) all envisioned greatness before they attained it. They believed in themselves and had plans to reach greatness. You can, too.Never forget your “Whyâ€In order to attract the good things you want in your life, you need to know “what†they are in the first place. These are your goals; the things you want to attract to make you happier in life are the things you are trying to attain. When you were visualizing yourself already having these things (see the previous point), you also envision “how†you can get to that state.You have a goal in mind and are already planning how to make things work in your favor. You create a system that you will adhere to in order to get what you want. However, there is something that many people overlook â€" “Why†do I want this? What are reasons for you to pursue that goal? What motivates you to go out of your way to go for it? How will this add some benefit or utility in your life?If you are able to answer these tough questions, then you have an incentive and a motive to pursue your goals. Everybody needs a drive because without it, you will always be inhibited.Feelings Enhanced by InspirationsSimon Sinek, an author and speaker on lea dership and management, delivered an impassioned TED Talk where he discusses how amazing companies are able to connect with people and sell their products. He talks about what inspires great leaders. You may be wondering, “How does that concern a person like me who is not a corporation?†You may not be a company but you have things that inspire you, too.The things that inspire you incite some feelings within you and if there is anything you have learnt in this article, it is that your feelings are very strong. You can do amazing things if you have positive feelings about something you truly want. The things you want inspire something in you. That is your reason for wanting it. That is your “why.†Connecting it back to your “why†will always elevate your feelings for your goals and at some point, your intangible feelings will become tangible and you will be able to smell and taste your dreams coming true as well. The Law of Attraction is a proven science and just like any other form of science, it is based on reasoning.When you have the reasons for doing what you do, then you can justify your actions to achieving your goals and do not have to doubt yourself. The ones who doubt themselves are usually the ones who do not know why they are doing what they are doing. Many people work jobs without knowing why it is that they are there.Many people study subjects at school without knowing why it is they are studying them. When you can identify your reasons for doing what you want to do, then you are able to apply yourself 100% and give your best efforts. Then, and only then, can you expect to get the best results for your pursuit of happiness.CONCLUSIONThe Law of Attraction is an old philosophical ideology to make you happier by your very thoughts. Though its popularity waned a bit in the late 20th century, it grew in prominence in 2006 with the book The Secret by Rhonda Byrne.It teaches us how to make our lives better and make us feel fulfilled and satisf ied by harnessing our thoughts and realizing them. By being positive, you will attract positive things in your life. It gives support to the claim “like attracts like.â€You can make good things happen to you if you think about them more. Your mood and attitude is governed by your thoughts so the easiest way to improve your life is to think happy thoughts.We would like to leave you with some quotes that have a very deep meaning and are applicable in this context. We hope you learn a lot from them and apply the lesson of the citation in your daily life to see amazing results. They reinforce the notion of being positive and optimistic.“If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it, then I can achieve it†â€" Muhammad Ali“When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you achieve it†â€" The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
Saturday, May 23, 2020
5 Tips for Teachers to Help Disorganized Students
A students poor organizational skills can easily be improved by providing a routine and by clearly stating directions and expectations. Disorganized students often forget homework, have messy desks, cannot keep track of their materials and have poor time management skills. Teachers can help these students by providing a structured routine along with strategies to keep them organized. Use the following tips to help your disorganized student manage their responsibilities. 1. Set up a Routine By providing structure in the classroom the disorganized student will have no choice but to stay organized. Establishing a classroom schedule will allow students to be less frustrated and confused, and will provide them with a sense of where they are going and what materials they will need. To lessen their confusion, place a schedule in their folder or tape one to their desk. This way, the student can use it as a reference throughout the day. 2. Use a Checklist A checklist is a great tool for a disorganized student because it shows them the expectations that they need to accomplish for the day in a visual format. For younger students, have the list already prepared for them and go over it with the student each morning. For older students, provide strategies for prioritizing their own checklists. 3. Monitor Homework Encourage parenteral support by writing a letter to parents describing your homework policy. Require that each night after the homework is completed, it is signed by a parent and returned to school the following day. This process will ensure the student stays on task and encourages parents to be involved. 4. Organize Classroom Desks A disorganized student will not take the time to clean out their desk. Each week set aside time in your class schedule so students can complete this task. Brainstorm organizational ideas with the students on specific ways they can keep their desks tidy. Make the list visible in the classroom so each week they can have access to it. Suggest that they label materials for easy access and throw away items they no longer use. 5. Use Memory Aids Memory aids are a helpful way to remember tasks and materials. Have the student use tangible items such as sticky notes, rubber bands, index cards, alarm clocks, and timers to remind them to complete their tasks for the day. Encourage them to use memory aids like this acronym: CATS. (CCarry, AAssignment, TTo, SSchool) Teaching these new strategies will help students complete their tasks efficiently and effectively. These tips give students the tools they need to manage their obligations and to be successful in school. With a little help and ​encouragement, disorganized children can easily get on a new path. Additional Tips to Keep Students Organized Use the buddy system and assign a classmate to assist the student with their organizational skills.Use different color paper for different subjects so it is easier to locate papers.Require papers be put into binders.Have the student put important materials in their take-home folder or backpack as soon as they receive them.Use different color folders for different subjects so the students can locate them easily.Provide containers for small items so they will not be lost.Provide a monthly calendar and label when assignments are due.Have the student show you their completed checklist each day before they go home.
Monday, May 11, 2020
Walmart Corporation s Labor And Employee Relations
Introduction As stated on the corporate website (2017), â€Å"Walmart is the largest retailer in the world, where 2.3 million associates meet the needs of more than 260 million customers every week.†These numbers are huge, and with so many locations around the globe, they have had allegations been made by employees regarding their dissatisfaction about poor work conditions, gender discrimination, low wages, poor benefits, and inadequate health care. Walmart has been criticized for its policies against labor unions and this issue has prompted public outrage, (Johansson, 2005) which is of great concern for the market. The company has also faced criticism for being anti-union, but it has claimed that it is rather pro-associate, whereby employees†¦show more content†¦Walmart however claims that their managers can handle complaints and grievance and that their employees do not need to pay a union to advocate for them. Walmart management views labor unions as negative (Ali, 2015), but if utilized correctly, it can actually have a positive effect on their business. Strong labor relations can make a business more successful in the long run and can help both employers and employees. Managers sometimes get the chills when they think of unions organizing in their businesses and sometimes adopt an adverse approach to any existing labor group. However, organizations can reap several benefits from the presence of a labor union if management and the labor unions work together toward the same goals. When employees contribute into the production process for a service, the quality increases as there is greater commitment on the part of those making or delivering the end-product. Dealing with labor unions improves employee satisfaction as they can rely on them as their voice to speak to the employers (Arthur, 2017). What Are The Key Issues Regarding Employee And Labor Relations? Over the years, Walmart has been at the center of controversies with regards, its low wages; overtime pay abuses, employee benefits, gender discrimination, negative impact on small business, immense dealings with China, tax avoidance and much more (Crofoot, 2012). Employees have been dissatisfied with these issues but seem as if they can’t voice itShow MoreRelatedCase Study : Legal Issues And Wal Mart1573 Words  | 7 PagesIdentification Because of the corporation’s evident power in global aspects, Wal-Mart is seen as being a bit too powerful in the business economy. The corporation’s expansion rate is literally driving smaller competitors to close business, due to Wal-Mart s extremely competitive and incomparable process and their failure to contest to the corporation’s unbeatable low process for a vast and diverse variety of products. 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Large multinational corporations have a unique challenge in terms of creating a positive and strong organizational culture. Since the actual culture of the macroenvironment tends to play a factor on the personality of the company itself, it becomes increasingly difficult to haveRead MoreWalmart s History And Management2059 Words  | 9 PagesWalmart’s History and Management Walmart is an American multinational retail corporation that operates a chain of hypermarkets, discount department stores and grocery stores. Wal-Mart controls over 11,500 stores in 28 countries around the world. It was founded in 1962 by Sam Walton. Walmart’s CEO is Doug McMillon and the Chairperson of Board of Directors is Greg Penner. Walmart as we know it today evolved from Sam Walton’s goals for great value and great customer service. He believed in leadershipRead MoreSWOT analysis of Walmart5872 Words  | 24 PagesSWOT analysis of Walmart This is Walmart Stores Inc. SWOT analysis for 2013. For more information on how to do SWOT analysis please refer to our article. Company background Name Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Industries served Retail Geographic areas served Worldwide Headquarters Bentonville, US Current CEO Mike Duke Revenue $ 466.950 billion (2012) Profit $ 15.699 billion (2012) Employees 2.2 million (2012) Main Competitors Costco Wholesale Corporation, Dollar General Corporation, Dollar Tree,
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Personal Attack The Logical Fallacy of Argumentum Free Essays
The term â€Å"ad hominem†is a Latin phrase that translates to â€Å"against the man†(â€Å"Ad hominem†). It is one of several logical fallacies that may appear (intentionally or otherwise) in the rhetorical mode of writing or speaking known as Argument. The use of the ad hominem indicates that an argument (or counter-argument) is focusing not on the issue or cause, but on the issue’s presenter, and it generally takes the form of a personal attack of the presenter’s character (â€Å"Introduction to Ad Hominem Fallacies†). We will write a custom essay sample on The Personal Attack: The Logical Fallacy of Argumentum or any similar topic only for you Order Now The soundest ad hominem attacks are made up of two steps. The first step is to discredit the speaker/presenter/sponsor, and the second step is to imply that because the speaker/presenter/sponsor is a â€Å"bad†person, the issue or cause must be bad as well (â€Å"Introduction to Ad Hominem Fallacies†). For example, prior to the last local election, I attended a debate between two city council candidates regarding a public school bond measure. Having read about the issue, I was aware that the facts proved the bond’s cost would far outweigh the anticipated minimal benefitsâ€â€benefits that had not been shown to occur in similar communities. I had seen no evidence to support any logical argument to encourage citizen’s to support the bond issue, so I was not surprised when one candidate turned the factual debate into a personal attack of his opponent. The argument: that his opponent had no school-aged children and because of this, his opponent has no vested interest in the success or failure of the community’s public school system. Obviously the candidate who was attacking his opponent (via the ad hominem) hoped that people would equate his opponent’s lacking school-aged children with an inability to assess a public school bond issue properly. The logical counter to this fallacious argument would be to return the focus to the facts: if passed, would the school bond result in improvements or would it not? If passed, would the costs of the school bond be worth the benefits or not? I would quickly point out that whether or not one has children has no bearing on one’s ability to assess the fiscal impact of a set of facts, and I would add to that, that if this were a logical supposition, that only those who had children should be allowed to vote on the bond issue as obviously only those with children have the capacity to make a sound decision in this area. References Ad hominem. (2000). In The American heritage dictionary of the English language (4th ed.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Introduction to ad hominem fallacies. (n.d.). Mission Critical.  Retrieved October 17, 2006, from How to cite The Personal Attack: The Logical Fallacy of Argumentum, Essay examples
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Winner free essay sample
Sweat dripped down her back; butterflies gathered in her stomach as she bit her fingernails and walked down her long narrow block. As soon as she arrived home, her sister Rani demanded to see her test. She slowly and cautiously took out the crumpled piece of paper that she was so nervous about and which determined her future. Suddenly, within a blink of an eye, her sister Rani smacked her. â€Å"What is this?†(Pointing at the test paper) Rani Screamed She had no answer. It was silent for a moment. The only noise that came from her was the sound of her tears. â€Å"How and why did you get an 80? Where are the other 20 points?†Rani Demanded â€Å"UmUm†She mumbled â€Å"Next time I better see a 100†Rani shrieked She stood there crying, tears rolling down her face as fast rain falls down a steep hill. Many years passed by, and within this time her grades began to improve. We will write a custom essay sample on Winner or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page She now happily and excitedly handed her test papers to her sister Rani. One day â€Å"Wow†Rani Exclaimed. â€Å"You’ve been receiving 100’s on your past few tests†Rani said with relief. â€Å"Yeah, I know, but you don’t seem happy, what’s the matter?†She questioned. â€Å"Well I am happy, I am actually extremely happy that I am almost relieved†Rani said with a smile. †What do you mean?†She questioned. â€Å"As you know I dropped out of high school. I promised myself and mom and dad that I would never let anyone else commit the same mistake I did. I regret dropping out.†Rani said as her smile slowly faded away. â€Å"It’s okay, I know, it’s not your fault†She says with encouragement. â€Å"Do you ever know why I smacked you when every time you got grades lower than a 100? I did not want you to go through the same thing I didTell me you will never give up.†She said with hop e. â€Å"I promise I will never give up. I also promise to move forward and achieve my goals.†She said happily. A few years pass by; she successfully graduates from elementary and middle school. She is currently in high school. Furthermore she has grown academically, emotionally, and mentally. Strong, encouraged, and brave she has learned to make decisions based on morality and not hate and embarrassment. If obstacles strike in college she will not quit, instead she’ll move on and one day will be the winner.
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